Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Build Critical Skills for Lifelong Success

Social Emotional Learning must be applied to get real results for students and educators. That’s why Mosaic by ACT SEL tools aren’t abstract. Instead, they’re practical, proven, and tangible for students use every day—at school and beyond

SEL Tools with Real Impact

Equipped with the right tools, students and educators do the rest. By applying our tools, students improve self-efficacy and academic performance in any setting. Grounded in the strongest SEL research and featured in CASEL’s Effective SEL Programs Guide, our SEL curriculum delivers measurable improvements in:


Students and teachers learn that intelligence and ability can improve with effort. The result: schools see uplift in grades, test scores, and other core metrics.

  • Study effectively
  • Overcome test anxiety
  • Think critically

School Culture

Students learn to connect with peers and feel that their ideas are valued. They become community contributors who collaborate to foster a positive school culture.

  • Build stable relationships
  • Advocate for their needs
  • Resolve conflict

ELL Success

SEL skills help English Language learners (ELL) students master language acquisition and cultural fluency. They face new learning environments with optimism.

  • Take pride in their cultural heritage
  • Work well with ELL and non-ELL peers
  • Gain confidence in their speaking abilities

SEL Success Stories

Boosting Students' SEL Skills on a Virtual Platform

How McPherson Middle School in McPherson, KS used blended and online SEL assessment and curriculum to maximize students skill growth both in-classroom and in-home through pandemic distance learning.

Building Relationships and Supporting Students on a Digital Platform

How Pinellas Virtual School in Florida (part of Florida Virtual School®) uses online based SEL curriculum to foster student relationships in a virtual school setting.

Boost Academics, Improve School Culture, and Promote ELL Success with These Courses






Turbo Elementary

GRADE: K-2      LENGTH: 36 lessons per grade
GRADE: 3-5      LENGTH: 18 lessons per grade


Packed full of teacher-driven lessons, videos, and discussion guides, Turbo Elementary jumpstarts student success by equipping students with foundational SEL tools that enhance learning, classroom behavior, and students’ belief in their own academic skills.


Turbo Leader

GRADE: 6-8       LENGTH: 3 courses; 17 lessons per course

STANDARDS: National Standards (Health); Common Core (ELA & Math); ASCA; CASEL

Included in CASEL’s Effective SEL Programs Guide. As students enter middle school, they need a new set of skills because they face more autonomy, more responsibility, and greater social pressure than before. In the 3-year Turbo Leader curriculum, students learn how to build confidence, boost academic achievement, and manage complex interpersonal relationships. In Turbo Leader I, students learn the foundational skills to support their early middle school journey, focusing on building agency and growth mindset. Turbo Leader II empowers student voice and helps them develop healthy coping mechanisms to handle challenges. Turbo Leader III sets students on a path for future success, with conflict resolution skills, navigating peer relationships, and support for the transition to high school.


Turbo Leadership

GRADE: 9-12      LENGTH: 16 lessons

STANDARDS: National Standards (Health); Common Core (ELA & Math); ESSA; Title IV Part A

High school students face new responsibilities, difficult decisions, and increased academic rigor. Through the Turbo Leadership course, students develop essential, research-based leadership skills – such as, goal setting and growth mindset — that drive success. During the course, students apply social emotional development strategies to realistic high school situations and experiences. They learn to become effective leaders and improve performance —in and out of school.


Critical Thinking & Study Skills

GRADE: 8-10      LENGTH: 19 lessons

STANDARDS: Aligns with ESSA Title IV, Part 4

High school brings intensifying academic challenges and rigorous standardized testing. The Critical Thinking and Study Skills course equips students with an actionable blueprint for academic success. Students build success mindsets, learn proven study habits, and practice research-based testing skills to elevate their performance. This course teaches the ACE test-taking method to increase scores on key tests such as the ACT, SAT, and tests for graduation.


College & Career Readiness

GRADE: 9-11      LENGTH: 25

STANDARDS: Aligns with ESSA Title IV, Part 4

Today’s high school students can feel overwhelmed by their post–secondary and career options. This course empowers students to take charge and lead their own college and career journey. Students master the skills needed to embark on the next chapter of their lives with confidence. They learn research-based strategies to craft high-quality applications, find financial aid, research post-graduation options, and establish solid career goals.


Community Involvement Skills

GRADE: 9-12      LENGTH: 52 lessons


In this course, students will develop the knowledge and skills needed for academic and workplace success. Students begin by exploring how social and emotional (SE) skills affect school, work, and personal lives. Next, student teams put these skills into practice by developing a plan and creating projects to positively impact their school culture and community. Throughout the project, students continue to learn and apply SE strategies to organize tasks, improve communication with others, manage emotions, and persevere through challenges. In the end, teams share their projects, reflect on the process, and evaluate personal growth and performance. Students leave this course with evidence-based SE skills they can apply to all areas of their lives.


Super ELL Elementary

GRADE: K-5      LENGTH: 18 lessons

STANDARDS: Common Core National Standards, Appropriate for Newcomers, WIDA Levels 1-3, full audio and text translations in Spanish, Arabic and English

Whether it’s taught to the whole class, a small group, or independently, Super ELL Elementary unlocks the potential of younger ELL students. Students learn to develop a growth mindset, establish strong relationships, and build pride in their culture, all while strengthening their language skills. Super ELL Elementary offers strong support for blended implementation, with language support for students in Spanish and Arabic as well as resources for parents and teachers


Super Student

GRADE: 7-12; WIDA levels 2-3      LENGTH: 19 Lessons

STANDARDS: WIDA levels 2-3; video language summaries in Creole and Spanish

The Super Student course provides ELL students with tools to develop the social emotional skills that are required for academic growth. Students learn how to handle stress, use SEL tools for effective time management, and to set goals to advance their language acquisition and academic achievement. By the end of this course, students will have the skills and confidence to direct their own academic futures.


Super ELL

GRADE: 7-12      LENGTH: 10 lessons

STANDARDS: WIDA levels 2-3; video language summaries in Creole and Spanish

Designed to meet the unique SEL needs of ELL students, Super ELL focuses on training students in taking initiative, setting goals, and resolving conflict. Convenient and flexible, the Super ELL course offers interactive self-checks and authentic assessments that help students master new SEL skills. The course supports both ELL classrooms or ELL students in mainstream classrooms, for both push-in and pull-out models.

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