ACT Learning and Professional Services

Technical Assessment Tools and Services for K-12 Education, Higher Education, and Workforce

Assessment Tools


Constructed-Response Automated Scoring Engine

An automated essay and constructed-response scoring solution that provides rapid and high-quality scores for millions of student essays and constructed responses every year. CRASE® is the technology-based, scientifically engineered solution that immediately scores students’ submissions to constructed-response test items.


Adaptive Testing Technology

Personalizes the test-taking experience of your users. Echo-Adapt allows you to minimize testing time while maximizing certainty about what a test-taker knows and can do by deciding which test questions will be most relevant for each test-taker after every response.


Automatic Item Generation

Automatic Item Generation (AIG) from ACT Consulting Services combines cognitive theories, psychometric practices, and content expertise with computer-based algorithms to create large numbers of high-quality, content-specific test items.

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