Effects of Test-Optional Policies
Understanding the Effects of Test-Optional Policies
Since its founding more than 60 years ago, ACT has served its nonprofit mission of helping people achieve education and workplace success. ACT is committed to working alongside admissions and enrollment professionals and the students we all serve to ensure the best and most holistic uses for the ACT test to achieve that goal.
ACT recognizes that for many institutions test-optional college policies are a consideration in the admissions process, and it's understandable for colleges to adapt their recruitment practices and admission policies according to market and competitive pressures. However, alongside multiple other measures of readiness, the ACT test continues to provide valuable information to students and institutions making important decisions regarding admission and enrollment, scholarship awards, course placement, and academic support.
With core values pursuing equity in education and placing the student at the center of everything it does, ACT seeks to correct misconceptions about the value of test scores, how tests are used, and who benefits from testing. This document outlines key information and research that is relevant to understanding the effects of test-optional policies.